feb 12th 2018

Mother nature has just been relentless this year. The winds seems like they never stop. Drifting in trails left and right, up and down, side to side. With the red baron still in the shop poor blue thunder was again getting a workout as I must of plowed up and down the northwest trail 20 times Friday. As I checked in each group I was also trying to get the winds to carry some of the snow away from the ever increasing size of the snow banks. If to much snow piles up she could crack and flood. After getting our last guest checked in Friday. The hammers sister Nancy and her hubby Kevin I headed home to get the sweetie as we would be joining them for a little fishing and fun. It was a treat to visit with them as its been a couple years since Kevin had been up. Last time Kevin was here he was going to be my scout every year at the beginning of the season once I had my houses on the lake.
Saturday evening they took us to dinner at westwind for prime rib. One of my favorites and again westwind did a great job as its was very tasty. They were in old Minnesota and had the worst of the fishing only landing two elusive yet still catchable walleyes and one crazy sheephead. They did miss a few and the hammer lost one at the hole Friday night .
Coming off the lake Friday eve I stopped to pick up a bolt and washer? Turns out I found out Saturday where it came from. making the rounds Saturday morning North Dakota had 3 walleyes and a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Jamie and his two buddies went home with at least 10 walleyes 1 crappie and a couple perch.
Eric, Beth and there two boys Izeck and bay were in montana. They got 5 the first day and at least 5 more before they pulled out sunday morning. Another nice family that I hope comes back year after year.
Craig and Spenser were in florida . They were up to 9 but had eaten a couple for breakfast. They were also here for a third night but the winds yesterday kept me from even offering to move them.
Sparky and Trent were in North Carolina for 1 night and got 3.
I also had 4 wheel houses out and about Marlo and Randy got 5 at 4 pm Friday and then 1 all day Saturday with a bonus ell pout. Butch did a little better and did well using a rattling flyer with the dead stick never getting a bite. lee and hid buddie got set up in a spot I have my eye on and had 5 in the bucket yesterday when I stopped to drop off a cookies on upper red lake hoodie.
Ryan and his buddies did well out of westwind Thursday as well as Bo and his group landing 50 on Friday. Tom and his grandsons got 2 at the end of the road.
As I was clearing the nw road Saturday I noticed the plow frame move just a hair. Just like that I new where that bolt came from and limped blue thunder home where I spent 3 hours crawling in and out from under neith as I re aligned every thing and tracked down new bolts that red lake had taken away from me. I had been keeping a eye on all the bolts as she has taken a beating since the red baron went down.
the red baron is now home after we went and picked her up yesterday morning. The v-plow will go back on as we push to the end of the game fish season and also prep for our group that comes every year to search for the mother load of upper red lakes elusive yet still catchable crappies.