Feb 13th 2019

Yesterday I got a early start as I headed out to top off the generators, then back to shore to plow out a couple driveways for some locals. Once that was done it was right back out on the lake to check on the guys. Since the fishing had picked up I was looking forward to some better reports .
First stop was California with Tom and his crew, they had 7 when I had last seen them . They did manage to get a couple more .
Paul his brother and 2 buddies had a couple more when I arrived around 10 am. As I was visiting they had a nice little run or school of fish come through and managed to land a couple more while I rooted them on.
Then it was over to check on Jeff and his family that had arrived Monday evening around 8pm.
They had only managed one little one in Kentucky and a 17 out of old Minnesota.
Jonny boy was out further fishing florida which had been fish fri Saturday sunday. With pretty decent fishing over the weekend it was more of a scouting and matianace evening for him and jess. They landed 3 quality fish while spending the night out there. Jess also landed a fat 18 around noon yesterday.
So all in all the fishing has gotten much better.
After checking in on everyone I headed out to grab montana and move her back towards the fleet. With warmer temps, a lite snow coming down, a wisp of wind. I soaked up the tranquility of working on such a grand lake. My thoughts were. This makes up for the struggles and brutal conditions we have endured the past few weeks.
With all the snow out on the lake most of the houses are closer to the main road. Every year is different and this is no exception. Once I got montana in her spot I headed home to grab blue thunder and head back out to block and bank her for Glens arrival today.
Just like that I jump in blue thunder and hit the key. Nothing. Back to the grind as I crawl under the truck to lightly tap the starter. After attempting that 3 or 4 times it was time to lug the torpedo out and warm her up.
Of course we lost a extension coed over the weekend so I did not have a long enough cord, so back out on the lake to retrieve a cord, I did get her running , but a new starter will be arriving today, along with a radiator that’s in route and a 100 foot extension cord.
Heading back out I got montana prepped for today, Then headed over to check on everyone, gas up the generators and get blue thunder back home. There’s just enough heat to keep the window clear.
After some rest and dinner I again headed out to check on everyone, visit a bit.
My last stop was Kentucky where they were all playing a dice game with the kids, I hung with them tell a little after 10 where I did the generators and headed home, another 16 hour day in the books.
Today we will be saying good bye to a few and checking in glen, plus Gary and kay.
The snow on the lake has made any off road travel not advised, I saw where some guys with a truck and chains made it about 20 feet off the main road where Wayne said they spent over 2 hours trying to un bury it..
As I was coming out that evening I saw the two guys were heading off the lake never wetting a line.
Well its time to hit the lake, As that old timer Dave told me. ITS A GRAND LAKE AND OWES US NOTHING NOTHING